Hello, World

Circle Notebook
2 min readMar 15, 2021

We’ve all been through a rough year, and it feels like we can finally take a breath as the world slowly but surely opens up. For some of us, it was a time to reset, take a breath, and look inwards. For others, it was a time of isolation and loneliness. For most of us, it was probably moments of both blended together and served intermittently every other day.

As we look ahead, we’re taking stock of doing things in a different way. One of the most obvious ways to develop gratitude for something is when it is taken away, and we feel this, big time, as we once again go out to the movies, meet up with family and friends, and resume our normal lives. This time, not just to live our lives, but to thrive in them.

One habit we want to bring forward with us is to be more mindful of our overall health and wellbeing. Unsurprisingly, this was easier said than done. Surprising though, we found very few resources for men to introduce wellness and tackle mental health struggles on their own. Everyone agrees that it’s an important issue, but no one has stepped up to pave a path forward.

Mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety, manifest in different ways for men than for women. Statistically, we are 3.5 times more likely to commit suicide than women, and close to half of us are more depressed than we admit to the people in our lives. Our behavior, at times, is labeled “toxic”, and we can’t seem to ask for the help we need. To all this we say, we would like to do things differently.

We’re a collective who champion men’s wellness & mental health. We represent our own lived experiences, those who taught us through their actions, and, most importantly, the written and spoken words from our heroes, muses, and guides. We think striving to be better men by promoting holistic wellness and tackling mental health issues makes us better supporters of our community, of our loved ones, and of ourselves. We encourage you to explore and live spherically in this space with us.

Join us, at Circle Notebook

